Bereavement Counselling for Grief and Loss

In person Counselling in Stokesley and Online Counselling in Saltburn-by-the-Sea

Is your child or young person struggling with a recent loss of someone important in their life and are struggling and finding it difficult to adjust to life without that person(s)?

Are you as parent or caregiver finding it difficult to adjust to other significant losses in your life?

As a child and young person counsellor I have worked with many clients experiencing bereavement, grief and loss. In my early years as a counsellor, I worked as volunteer for a charity in Hartlepool for nearly two years where I gained experience about the emotional loss experienced through addiction as well as developmental trauma. I then worked as volunteer and professionally for a Bereavement charity on Teesside for approximately five years providing bereavement and emotional support to children and young people who had experienced multiple losses, and traumatic grief.

The death of someone very close can leave everyone feeling devastated, overwhelmed with grief where the world feels uncertain and everyone in the family group can be left with a sea of floundering emotions. A sudden and unexpected bereavement is exhausting and at times scary. By keeping to all your normal routines, eating & sleeping time can help enormously in the early stages of grief. Everyone will find their own way of coping with a bereavement and there is no wrong or right way to do this. It is for every individual, as there is no time limit on being bereaved. Adjustments are personal and progress is personal to every person.

The feelings of grief felt by children and young people are not exclusive to the death of an important person(s). They will experience similar feelings with the loss of a parent who leaves home following a divorce, or even the loss of a much-loved pet can bring feelings of grief, the loss of their best friend who moves away. The upheaval of moving from a small nurturing primary school to a large busy, noisy secondary school, can also be very unsettling, so, loss and grief can come all sorts of ways.

Get in touch to find out more.

What are the reactions of Grief and Loss?












Feeling different

The death of someone important can leave a young person completely without resources, they may experience the fear that everyone is going to die. They may do everything to be seen as acting normal on the outside but have difficulty with the overwhelming feelings they experience inside of themselves. A young person sometimes mistakenly believes that everything that has happened is their fault and they must have done something bad. It is important to be calm around your child/children and be prepared to honestly answer their questions. They need to be appropriately informed about what has happened and what is going to happen when you are ready to do so and you have begun to process the change yourself. Sharing emotions and allowing a young person to cry and to receive empathic responses back shows the young person it is ok to feel upset. Shared expressions of emotion build bonds of attachment which bring everyone closer together.

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